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Gara valida per le selezioni WAO


Giudice: Mario Lovo

Località da destinarsi

Gare di avviamento, a seguire JUNIOR e SENIOR

Inizio gare ore 9:00
Apertura segreteria ore 8:00

Avviamento: 11 Euro

Junior e Senior 16 Euro (cani aggiuntivi 11 Euro)

Sarà presente un punto di ristoro

Pagamento in loco 


Info: 3500693832


2023.11.04 (09:00)

Entry deadline

2023.09.10 (20:00) - 2023.11.03 (20:00)
Registration expired


Friuli V.G.


Località da destinarsi

Downloads / Gallery
Disciplina Sportiva



Entries: For this event no entry permission is required.

Limited number of entries: 240
If limit is set higher than 0 and limit is reached, no more entries can be entered by clubs. All further entries will be on a waiting list and have to be attended by the event manager. The event manager will decide, if entries of the waiting list will be accepted or not. If you have any questions please contact the event manager.

Only this countries are allowed to register competitors: ITALY
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