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As the platform of the studios supporting the IYSF internationally is mainly hot yoga community, IYSF decided to train and certify yoga sport practitioners in “Beginners’ Class” and bring them towards the “Yoga Sport Class” (competition warm up) and “Skill Class” (coaching of the postures), IYSF coaches and teachers training content, that we already have.

IYSF Beginner’s Class teacher training is a combination of 4 weeks of an on-site part happening on four continents simultaneously - Australia, Europe, South America and North America  and 4 weeks of a mentoring part in the home yoga studios. 8 weeks in total. First 6 weeks of the training, there is an online part (2h a day) that is delivered by IYSF A level coaches and Judges and is supervised by Rajashree Choudhury, who is in charge of the Yoga Therapy content of this training.  In the curriculum, week number 4, we make our trainees take one Yoga Sport Class a day taught by an IYSF A level Coach.  This is the way of completing the IYSF educational system and having – beginners’ level (Beginners’ Class) / intermediate level (Yoga Sport Class) and advanced coaching level (Skill Class) certification by IYSF."

There are 2 possible programs. The 8 weeks full program is for brand new teachers recommended by the studio owners. The 2 weeks on-site program is a shortened version for existing hot yoga teachers looking for IYSF certification. Each continent training is run by experienced senior teacher IYSF coordinator, there is one official  visiting teacher per week. IYSF Beginner’s Class Instructions are written by Erik Persson and will be required to be memorised prior to the training according to one online instructive session. The Training cost can be split in 3 parts.



2022.04.03 - 2022.04.28

Entry deadline

2021.12.01 - 2022.04.03

Registration mode

Exact day (2022.04.03)

Time Zone

Europe/Zurich (2024-06-13 06:32)




Prague, Czech Republic

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Entries: For this event no entry permission is required.


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