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JJIF statutes: 

7.3 The JJIF Session shall comprise of:

  • The JJIF Executive Board Members with voting rights, who shall also have voting rights in the Session. However if there is a JJRIC representative present at the Session , who is a citizen of the same country as a JJIF Executive Board Member, then that Executive Board Member shall not have voting rights in that Session. This clause does NOT apply to the President of the JJIF Executive Board.
    [automatically registered]

  • The JJRIC comprising of elected representatives of the JJRA who shall have voting rights and shall not exceed the maximum number of seventy-six (76) members.
    [automatically registered]

  • The representatives of non-governmental organizations associated to JJIF and fully recognized by JJRIC, without voting rights.
    [automatically registered]

  • The representatives of the JJNO’s, who are JJIF full members, without voting rights, but with the right to speak if they are pre-registered in the speakers list.
    [must register here]

  • The representatives of the JJNO’s, who are JJIF provisional members, without voting rights but with the right to speak only with the JJIF President’s invitation and are pre-registered in the speakers list.
    [must register here]

2020.12.12 - 2020.12.13

Entry deadline

2020.11.19 - 2020.12.11
Registration expired

Registration mode

Exact day (2020.12.12)

Time Zone

Asia/Dubai (2024-04-25 15:35)





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Entries: For this event no entry permission is required.


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