Referee registration - EUROPEA CUP in DUO and FIGHTING 2025
2025.02.22 - 2025.02.23
Event Start


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When we reach the maximum amount of needed referees we will close the registration.



For these upcoming European Championship, JJEU and Turkish Federation will be able to provide some compensation to the selected referees in terms of travel and accommodation.
The JJEU Board and JJEU Sport Director and the JJIF Head referee are entrusted with the task to select the qualified referees for the event for each discipline at this event.
Referees should attend the briefing meeting on Thursday afternoon. Referee MUST attend the whole competition at the event, early leaving is NOT possible.
Neither the organizing committee nor the JJEU will be responsible for not respecting this obligation. However, if there won’t be enough referees for the competition to take place in good conditions, JJEU Referee Committee may decide to complement the pool of referees with national referees of the organizing federation. For the referees there is a own Sportdata page created, referees must insert themselves and should not be done by the federations.


2025.02.22 (09:00) - 2025.02.23 (16:00)

Entry deadline

2024.05.14 (15:00) - 2025.01.22 (23:59)
124 days 0 hours

Registration mode

Same year (2025)

Time Zone

Europe/Berlin (2024-09-20 23:23)




Topsporthal Beveren Klapperstraat 103 9120 Beveren Belgium

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Entries: For this event an entry permission is required.
You can simply request it for any event, if you are logged in with an registered user. Request entry permission

All new entries on waiting list
All entries will be first on a waiting list and have to be attended by the event manager. The event manager manually moves these entries to the list of official entries after they are approved and / or after paying the entry fee. If you have any questions please contact the event manager.


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