Sales (Affiliate) Partner Program
By creating an affiliate account at the SET Online Shop (sportdata GmbH & Co KG) you will be able to earn valuable extra revenue by referring your website's visitors to us.
- Joining our affiliate program requires no upfront costs and there are no fees later! Start promoting our products and start earning immediately.

- You do not need to carry inventory and orders, or to answer complaints, handle refunds, etc. It takes a LOT of time and money to develop your own product to sell online. With our affiliate program, you get both the products and the services setup just for you!

- Affiliate statistics are provided in real time. You do not have to go out and buy expensive software to track your sales or bring in any 3rd party software to track everything. All of these capabilities are included... FREE!

- You do not have any 'lag time'. All businesses take a certain amount of time to 'start up'. With our affiliate program, start-up time is significantly reduced. Once you join you can start selling products and making money immediately!

- You do not have to worry about sales administration and technical support. We handle everything - from the point of sale through the after sales service.
Who is Welcome
We are open to any individual or company dealing with or providing Martial Arts products or services whose aim is making money in an easy and non-time consuming way. Our aim is to earn money through collaboration, so you can be sure that we will find the best way to achieve results that will be beneficial for both parties.
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WKF (World Karate Federation) APPROVED SOFTWARE