27 Budapest Open - Downloads Last modified
 27th Budapest Open Bulletin no. 12023-12-21 19:09:46
 Budapest - Danube situation2024-09-17 16:25:53
 Categories time list Friday2024-09-15 21:18:04
 Categories time list Saturday2024-09-15 21:15:01
 Categories time list Sunday2024-09-15 21:19:13
 Draws 2024.09.222024-09-22 00:15:01
 Draws Friday kata cadet, junior, U21 and senior.2024-09-19 13:43:48
 Draws Saturday: junior, U21, senior kumite2024-09-21 01:09:38
 Info for participating clubs2024-06-28 12:46:20
 Info no. 22024-09-02 00:22:41
 Parking possibilities around the Sports hall2024-09-02 00:25:42
 Time schedule Friday2024-09-15 21:10:20
 Time schedule Saturday2024-09-15 21:11:13
 Time schedule Sunday2024-09-15 21:11:56
Downloads: 14
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