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Dear WAKO Friends,

The Hungarian Kickboxing Federation hereby kindly invites fighters, coaches, judges, referees and offi- cials of WAKO family member countries to take part in the 23rd Budapest Kickboxing World cup orga- nized from 20th to 18th May 2017 in Hungary.
Those ones who visited the Budapest WAKO Kickboxing World Cup in 2016 know very well that this is not only a kickboxing competition with the best athletes of the world but even more because of the beautiful Hungarian capital and wonderful surroundings. The real quality of a world class event is even more em- phasized by its organization in a metropolis.

We are intend to further rise the quality of organization of 2016 in 2017. The place of the ring sports with 3 rings will be in the Congress Center that is right next to the already known sports hall. We are still con- tinuing to provide live TV broadcasting of all three competition days and a large-scale Saturday night Gala including TV coverage.

Dear Friends,
Besides the above mentioned, one of the specialties of the 2017 WAKO Kickboxing World Cup is that Budapest is a candidate to the organization of the 2024 Olympic Games. The IOC will decide about it in September 2017.
The Hungarian Federation wishes to support the bid process of Budapest 2024 Olympic Games with the orga- nization of a world class event because this could be the best letter of recommendation for Budapest to win.

In a word let’s raise the stakes and anybody can make sure of them who come to Budapest in May 2017. We are looking forward meeting you. We are well prepared!


Best regards,

Peter Galambos - President of WAKO Hungary



Istvan Kiraly - Vice President of WAKO Hungary

Gabor Juhasz - Vice President of WAKO Hungary

Krisztian Jaroszkievicz - 7x WAKO World Champion

Zsolt Moradi - 8x WAKO World Champion


2017.05.18 - 2017.05.21

Entry deadline

2017.02.01 - 2017.05.17
Registration expired

Registration mode

Exact day (2017.05.18)

Time Zone

Europe/Zurich (2024-06-08 15:15)




1-3 Jagello ut, H-1123, Budapest, Hungary

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Entries: For this event no entry permission is required.


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