List of all official entries
Nordic Karate Championships
Team Title Last name First name Days
Sportdata Certified Official SET-AEM Bech-holm Linda all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
Sportdata Certified Official SET-AEM Bech-holm Peter all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
Representative Heinonen Harry all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
Iceland National Team(ISL-KAI)
Vice-President MR. Guðnason Elías_Guðni all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
        Iceland National Team(ISL-KAI), ICELAND VIP Mrs Jensen María all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
        Iceland National Team(ISL-KAI), ICELAND President Mr Reinharðsson Reinharð all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
        Iceland National Team(ISL-KAI), ICELAND Invited person Mr. Sæmundsson Hafþór_Ómar all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
Kitt Schröder(DKF)
Sportdata certified official Set-AEM Schröder Kitt all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
Latvian Karate Federation(LAT)
Representative Mrs Avotiņa-Žaglova Lāsma all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
National team Estonia(EST)
Representative Kard Mehis all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
        National team Estonia(EST), ESTONIA Representative Mengel Lauri all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
NationalTeam Denmark(Denmark)
Representative Mr Frithioff Thomas all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
Norwegian Karatefederation(NKF)
Head of delegation ALSTADSÆTHER MORTEN all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
        Norwegian Karatefederation(NKF), NORWAY Masseur / Physio Otto Wayne all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
        Norwegian Karatefederation(NKF), NORWAY Masseur / Physio Saelid Gard_Andrè all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
Sweden National Team(SWE)
Medical Person Gasslander Camilla all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
        Sweden National Team(SWE), SWEDEN Representative PRESIDENT Malavé Ramon all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
        Sweden National Team(SWE), SWEDEN National Team Manager National Team Manager NORBERG TOMAS all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
        Sweden National Team(SWE), SWEDEN Representative General Secretary Wennerström Sarah all Days (2024.04.13 - 2024.04.14)
        Clubs: 10        Total entries: 19
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