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General Rules:

Only athletes in the first 100 positions of the WKF ranking valid on the first day of registration are allowed to participate as long as the number of entries in a category does not exceed the maximum of 32 entries.
In all Karate 1 Premier League events it is mandatory for athletes to wear their Karategi with BLUE and RED embroidery on the shoulders.
All entries will be on a waiting list until the PayPal payment is completed. Unpaid entries will be removed from the waiting list after 60 minutes.

Registration Phases:

1st phase: 2021-12-11 12:00 to 2021-12-26 12:00 (GMT +0)

  • Registration only by NFs via WKF SportsID System ( for athletes classified between the positions 1 and 32 (included) in WKF Ranking (1st week of registration). No limit of athletes per NF. 2021-12-11 12:00 to 2021-12-18 12:00 (GMT +0)
  • Open registration for athletes classified between the positions 1 and 32 (included) in WKF Ranking (2nd week of registration). No limit of athletes per country. 2021-12-19 12:00 to 2021-12-26 12:00 (GMT +0)

2nd phase: 2021-12-27 12:00 to 2022-01-10 12:00 (GMT +0)

Open registration for athletes ranked between positions 33 and 64 (included) of WKF Ranking. (next two weeks). No limit of athletes per country.

3nd phase: 2022-01-11 12:00 to 2022-02-03 12:00 (GMT +0)

Open inscription for competitors ranked between positions 65 and 100 (included) of WKF Ranking. No limi t of athletes per country.


Due to the current emergency health situation it is mandatory to respect and properly follow the WKF Covid-19 Protocol:

On registration day all participants must submit the 3 following documents (I, II, III) printed:

I) Proof of COVID Status (1 of the following)

i. A Negative COVID-19 RT-PCR Test result taken at most 72 hours before the onsite registration in English. No antigen tests will be accepted.

ii. A COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate showing that they were fully vaccinated at least 2 weeks before the day of registration. * WKF Protocol for more specifications

iii. A COVID-19 Recover Official Certificate. They must have tested positive at least 2 weeks and at most 6 months (180 days) before registration day. *WKF Protocol for more specifications

II) Completed WKF Health Questionnaire (

III) Waiver of Liability Form/Terms of Responsibility (Individual, Team, Parental Consent)



2022.02.18 - 2022.02.20

Entry deadline

2022.02.03 (12:00) - 2022.02.05 (12:00)
Registration expired

Registration mode

Exact day (2022.02.18)

Time Zone

Europe/London (2024-06-05 13:49)




United Arab Emirates

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Entries: For this event no entry permission is required.

All new entries on waiting list
All entries will be first on a waiting list and have to be attended by the event manager. The event manager manually moves these entries to the list of official entries after they are approved and / or after paying the entry fee. If you have any questions please contact the event manager.


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