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Online registration :

Right to participate and categories

Athletes must be presented and registered by their National Federation ; All competitors must have a legal passport of the nation they represent in the championship and sports passport of their respective nation!

The tournament is open to all JJIF members!

Senior competition for Competitors 18 years and older!

Participating athletes must be born in 1999 or earlier

There is a total limit of 250 competitors the deadline of competition will be executed strictly!

No changes after deadline!


Categories of JJIF Ne Waza – NoGi

Women:   -49kg ; -55kg ; -62kg ; -70kg ; -90kg

Men:   -56 kg ;-62kg ; -69kg ; -77kg ; -85kg ; -94kg ; -120kg


Categories of Duo-Show-System

Men / Women / Mixed


Ne-Waza NoGi Relay team

One Team of:

• Men: -69kg, -77kg, -94kg,

• Women: -55kg -62kg, -70kg



The athletes’ official weigh-in will always be scheduled the day before the competition.

Athletes competing in more than one discipline (Ne-Waza) must weigh in for each competition separately without any tolerance in weight.


Relay Team competition

Athletes having fought at the individual championships will not be weighted–in again!

Athletes participating only at the team championship must pass the weigh-in control the day before the competition.


2017.11.29 - 2017.12.01

Entry deadline

2017.10.19 - 2017.10.19
Registration expired

Registration mode

Exact day (2017.11.29)

Time Zone

Europe/Zurich (2024-04-25 21:43)





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Entries: For this event an entry permission is required.
You can simply request it for any event, if you are logged in with an registered user. Request entry permission


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