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Uitsluitend mogelijkheid tot deelname voor Vlaamse atleten aangesloten bij de VJJF en voor Waalse atleten aangesloten bij de FFJJ | Seule possibilité de participation pour les athlètes flamands affiliés à la VJJF et pour les athlètes wallons affiliés à la FFJJ.


Zaterdag/Samedi Discipline Zondag/Dimanche
U10/U12 - U18/U21 Fighting U14/U16 - Adults/Masters
U14/U16 Groundfight U8 / U10 / U12
U18/U21/Adults/Masters Duo U10/U12/U14/U16
U18/U21/Adults/Masters Show U14/U16
U12/U14/U16/U18/U21/Adults/Masters Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)  



2024.04.20 - 2024.04.21

Entry deadline

2024.02.12 - 2024.04.08
Registration expired

Registration mode

Same year (2024)

Time Zone

Europe/Brussels (2024-11-04 21:11)




Beekdam 2, 9150 Bazel

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Entries: For this event no entry permission is required.

All new entries on waiting list
All entries will be first on a waiting list and have to be attended by the event manager. The event manager manually moves these entries to the list of official entries after they are approved and / or after paying the entry fee. If you have any questions please contact the event manager.

Only this countries are allowed to register competitors: BELGIUM
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