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The Milo International Open Karate Championship is an established event in the annual karate events calendar in Malaysia. This event also has the honour of being the grassroots championship where many of our national athletes have gained their early years of experience. This prestigious event features division for athletes in all skill levels. From beginners to the most elite competitors, there is a division for everyone and this championship is open to all clubs, national & international athletes. It is the championship that has nurtured young athletes, defined their talent and made them stand out as outstanding athletes at national level events and thus being foundation to become a national karate athlete.Most of the participating teams have continuously used this championship as an avenue to scout for young talent who are ready to be trained for future international tournaments.


Other benefits include:

- An avenue to show their talents

- To learn what a competition is at a young age

- To better equip themselves with skills needed for a karateka

- Exposure to international participants and different styles and skills of competing.

- To compete in an event of International standards

- Self-discipline and focused concentration learnt at a young age

Till today, this is a must-participate event for most young karatekas. 

“United in Building the Nation’s Youth through Sports”

Thank you.



2022.06.17 (07:00) - 2022.06.19 (21:00)

Entry deadline

2022.05.01 (14:45) - 2022.06.16 (23:59)
Registration expired

Registration mode

Same year (2022)

Time Zone

Asia/Kuala_Lumpur (2024-06-03 10:48)




Titiwangsa Indoor Stadium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Entries: For this event no entry permission is required.


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