Categories Entries  Waiting List Clubs Nations
001 - LC Older PeeWees 7/8/9 yrs Mixed -24kg 4 4 2
002 - LC Older PeeWees 7/8/9 yrs Mixed -27kg 10 7 2
003 - LC Older PeeWees 7/8/9 yrs Mixed -30kg 6 5 2
004 - LC Older PeeWees 7/8/9 yrs Mixed -33kg 5 4 2
005 - LC Older PeeWees 7/8/9 yrs Mixed -36kg 3 3 2
006 - LC Older PeeWees 7/8/9 yrs Mixed +36kg 6 6 2
007 - LC Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -28kg 2 2 2
008 - LC Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -32kg 2 2 2
009 - LC Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -37kg 5 5 2
010 - LC Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -42kg 4 4 2
011 - LC Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -47kg 4 4 2
012 - LC Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -52kg 8 8 2
013 - LC Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -57kg 4 3 2
014 - LC Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -63kg 1 1 1
015 - LC Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -69kg 2 2 1
018 - LC Cadets 10-15yrs Girls -32kg 1 1 1
019 - LC Cadets 10-15yrs Girls -37kg 2 2 1
021 - LC Cadets 10-15yrs Girls -46kg 2 2 1
023 - LC Cadets 10-15yrs Girls -55kg 1 1 1
024 - LC Cadets 10-15yrs Girls -60kg 3 3 1
025 - LC Cadets 10-15yrs Girls -65kg 2 2 2
027 - LC Senior 16yrs and above Male -57kg 1 1 1
029 - LC Senior 16yrs and above Male -69kg 7 6 2
030 - LC Senior 16yrs and above Male -74kg 2 2 2
031 - LC Senior 16yrs and above Male -79kg 2 2 1
032 - LC Senior 16yrs and above Male -84kg 2 2 2
033 - LC Senior 16yrs and above Male +84kg 2 2 2
034 - LC Senior 16yrs and above Female -60kg 3 2 1
035 - LC Senior 16yrs and above Female -65kg 2 2 1
038 - LC VETS 40yrs and above Male +74kg 3 3 2
039 - LC VETS 40yrs and above Female -65kg 1 1 1
041 - PF Young Mixed PeeWees 6yrs and under 4 3 2
042 - PF Mixed Older PeeWees 7/8/9yrs -24kg 6 5 2
043 - PF Mixed Older PeeWees 7/8/9yrs -27kg 12 8 3
044 - PF Mixed Older PeeWees 7/8/9yrs -30kg 12 8 3
045 - PF Mixed Older PeeWees 7/8/9yrs -33kg 7 5 2
046 - PF Mixed Older PeeWees 7/8/9yrs -36kg 4 3 2
047 - PF Mixed Older PeeWees 7/8/9yrs +36kg 6 6 2
048 - PF Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -28kg 2 2 2
049 - PF Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -32kg 2 2 2
050 - PF Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -37kg 6 5 2
051 - PF Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -42kg 11 8 2
052 - PF Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -47kg 7 7 2
053 - PF Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -52kg 7 7 2
054 - PF Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -57kg 5 4 2
055 - PF Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -63kg 1 1 1
056 - PF Cadets 10-15yrs Boys -69kg 3 3 2
057 - PF Cadets 10-15yrs Boys +69kg 2 2 1
059 - PF Cadets 10-15yrs Girls -32kg 2 2 2
060 - PF Cadets 10-15yrs Girls -37kg 3 3 2
Entries 204
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