Entry fee
Calculation of entry fees:
- Individual categories: Entry fee of categories x Number of Entries in Categories
- Team categories: Entry fee of categories x Number of Teams in Categories
- Coaches: Entry fee x Number of Entries
- Referees: Entry fee x Number of Entries
- Officials: Entry fee x Number of Entries
- Entry fee for clubs
Categories Age from Age to Sex EUR team size Other cut-off date Limit Team Limit
001. Freestyle Men -70 kg 13 98 m 25      
002. Freestyle Men +70 kg 13 98 25      
003. Freestyle Woman Open weight 13 98 25      
004. Strength Endurance Men -75 kg 13 98 m 25      
005. Strength Endurance Men +75 kg 13 98 m 25      
006. Strength Endurance Woman Open weight 13 98 f 25      
007. StreetLifting Classic Men Open Sub Juniors 13 17 m 25      
008. StreetLifting Classic Woman Open Sub Juniors 13 17 f 25      
009. StreetLifting Classic Men Open Juniors 18 22 m 25      
010. StreetLifting Classic Woman Open Juniors 18 22 f 25      
011. StreetLifting Classic Men Open 23 98 m 0      
012. StreetLifting Classic Men Bodyweight to 56.0 kg 23 39 m 25      
013. StreetLifting Classic Men Bodyweight to 60.0 kg 23 39 m 25      
014. StreetLifting Classic Men Bodyweight to 67.5 kg 23 39 m 25      
015. StreetLifting Classic Men Bodyweight to 75.0 kg 23 39 m 25      
016. StreetLifting Classic Men Bodyweight to 82.5 kg 23 39 m 25      
017. StreetLifting Classic Men Bodyweight to 90.0 kg 23 39 m 25      
018. StreetLifting Classic Men Bodyweight to 100.0 kg 23 39 m 25      
019. StreetLifting Classic Men Bodyweight to 110.0 kg 23 39 m 25      
020. StreetLifting Classic Men Bodyweight to 125.0 kg 23 39 m 25      
021. StreetLifting Classic Men Bodyweight to 140.0 kg 23 39 m 25      
022. StreetLifting Classic Men Bodyweight + 140.01 kg 23 39 m 25      
023. StreetLifting Classic Men Masters 40 to 44 years 40 44 m 25      
024. StreetLifting Classic Men Masters 45 to 45 years 45 49 m 25      
025. StreetLifting Classic Men Masters 50 to 54 years 50 54 m 25      
026. StreetLifting Classic Men Masters 55 to 59 years 55 59 m 25      
027. StreetLifting Classic Men Masters 60 to 69 years 60 69 m 25      
028. StreetLifting Classic Men Masters 70 years and older 70 98 m 25      
029. StreetLifting Classic Woman Open 23 98 f 0      
030. StreetLifting Classic Woman Bodyweight to 48 kg 23 39 f 25      
031. StreetLifting Classic Woman Bodyweight to 52.0 kg 23 39 f 25      
032. StreetLifting Classic Woman Bodyweight to 56.0 kg 23 39 f 25      
033. StreetLifting Classic Woman Bodyweight to 60.0 kg 23 39 f 25      
034. StreetLifting Classic Woman Bodyweight to 67.5 kg 23 39 f 25      
035. StreetLifting Classic Woman Bodyweight + 67.51 kg 23 39 f 25      
036. StreetLifting Classic Woman Masters 40 to 44 years 40 44 f 25      
037. StreetLifting Classic Woman Masters 45 to 49 years 45 49 f 25      
038. StreetLifting Classic Woman Masters 50 years and older 50 98 f 25      
039. StreetLifting Multilift Men Pull/Chin ups 8 kg Sub Juniors 13 17 m 25      
040. StreetLifting Multilift Men Pull/Chin ups 16 kg Sub Juniors 13 17 m 25      
041 StreetLifting Multilift Men Pull/Chin ups 16 kg Juniors 18 22 m 25      
042. StreetLifting Multilift Men Pull/Chin ups 24 kg Open 23 39 m 25      
043. StreetLifting Multilift Men Pull/Chin ups 32 kg Open 23 39 m 25      
044. StreetLifting Multilift Men Pull/Chin ups 16 kg Masters 40 98 m 25      
045. StreetLifting Multilift Woman Pull/Chin ups 8 kg Sub Juniors 13 17 f 25      
046. StreetLifting Multilift Woman Pull/Chin ups 8 kg Juniors 18 22 f 25      
047. StreetLifting Multilift Woman Pull/Chin ups 12 kg Open 23 39 f 25      
048. StreetLifting Multilift Woman Pull/Chin ups 8 kg Masters 40 98 f 25      
049. StreetLifting Multilift Men Dips 16 kg Sub Juniors 13 17 m 25      
050. StreetLifting Multilift Men Dips 24 kg Sub Juniors 13 17 m 25      
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