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Internationaler Nicki-Cup 2024 in Höchst

Der Nicki-Cup 2024 ist vorbei. Danke an alle Teilnehmenden. 
Hier ein Dank des OK-Team:

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Ausschreibung: Nicki-Cup 2024 Ausschreibung

Hotels + Parken: Info Nicki-Cup 2024 Hotels & Parken

Download Folder: Download Flyer Nicki-Cup 2024

Datum: 04. Mai 2024
Ort: Turnhalle Hauptschule Höchst

A - 6973 Höchst (an der Schweizer Grenze)

Veranstalter: Shotokan Karateclub Höchst
Tel.: 0043 - 699 - 19280877 • e-mail:


Kategorien: U10 - U21 Einzel- und Teambewerbe

Reglement: EKF / WKF 

Zeitplan / Ablauf: 

  • Beginn 8.30 UHR
  • Team-Kata Einzel-Kata
  • Siegerehrung Katabewerbe Einzel-Kumite
  • Team- Kumite
  • Siegerehrung Kumitebewerbe


Important for participants outside of Europe:

Dear fellow Karateka,

Thank you for your interest in our tournament Nicki Cup 2024. 

Participants outside of Europe are required to pay 500€ in advance which will be paid back on the day of the tournament.
We will not provide invitation letters for visa application. 
This measure is required as we have had very bad experiences with participants outside of Europe in the past. Participants registered and never showed up at the tournament which caused lots of extra work with superfluous draws and other troubles. 

Therefore I ask you to excuse these circumstances. 

Thank you again for you interest and we look forward to your answer!

Best regards,
Karate Höchst



Entry deadline

2024.01.01 - 2024.04.27
Registration expired

Registration mode

Exact day (2024.05.04)

Time Zone

Europe/Zurich (2024-09-22 08:59)




Franz-Reiter-Straße 19, 6973 Höchst

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Entries: For this event no entry permission is required.

Limited number of entries: 600
Only this countries are allowed to register competitors: AUSTRIA / GERMANY / SWITZERLAND

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