P-01 Patterns D-Youth 6 - 8 Years Mixed 9th - 7th Kup
P-02 Patterns C-Youth 9 - 11 Years Female 9th - 5th Kup
P-03 Patterns C-Youth 9-11 Years Male 9th to 6th Kup
P-04 Patterns C-Youth 9-11 Years Male 5th to 1st Kup
P-05 Patterns B-Youth 12-14 Years Mixed 8th to 5th Kup
P-06 Patterns B-Youth 12-14 Years Male 4th to 1st Kup
P-07 Patterns B-Youth 12-14 Years Female 4th to 1st Kup
P-08 Patterns A-Junior 15-17 Years Female 4th to 1st Kup
P-09 Patterns A-Junior 13-15 Years Female Black Belt 1st and 2nd Degree
P-10 Patterns A-Junior 16-17 Years Female Black Belt 1st and 3rd Degree
P-11 Patterns A-Junior 15-17 Years Male Black Belt 1st and 2nd Degree
P-12 Patterns Senior over 18 Years Male 8th to 3th Kup
P-13 Patterns Senior over 18 Years Female 9th to 6th Kup
P-14 Patterns Senior over 18 Years Male Black Belt 1st and 2nd Degree
P-15 Patterns Senior over 18 Years Mixed Black Belt 4th to 6th Degree
SP-01 Sparring D Youth 6 - 8 Years Male 8th - 7th Kup up to 25kg
SP-02 Sparring D-C Youth 7 - 9 Years Mixed 9th - 8th Kup 25 to 30kg
SP-03 Sparring C-Youth 9 - 11 Years Female 9th - 5th Kup 30 to 35kg
Sp-04 Sparring C-Youth 9 - 11 Years Female 9th - 5th Kup over 35kg
Sp-05 Sparring C-Youth 9-11 Years Male 10th to 5th Kup up to 40kg
Sp-05 Sparring C-Youth 9-11 Years Male 10th to 5th Kup up to 40kg_3rd Place
Sp-06 Sparring C-Youth 9-11 Years Male 8th to 5th Kup 40 to 46kg
Sp-07 Sparring C-B Youth 11-13 Years Male 8th to 5th Kup over 61kg
Sp-08 Sparring C-Youth 10-11 Years Male 4th to 1st Kup 30 to 43kg
Sp-09 Sparring B-Youth 12-14 Years Male 5th to 1st Kup up to 46kg
Sp-10 Sparring B-Youth/A-Junior 12-15 Years Male 8th to 1st Kup 50 to 57kg
Sp-11 Sparring B-Youth 12-14 Years Female 2nd Kup to 1st Dan up to 55kg
Sp-12 Sparring B-Youth 12-14 Years Female 7th to 4th Kup 65 to 70kg
Sp-13 Sparring A-Junior 15-17 Years Female 4th Kup to 1st Dan over 65kg
Sp-14 Sparring A-Junior 15-17 Years and Senior Male 8th to 2nd Kup over 67kg
Sp-15 Sparring A-Junior 15-17 Years Male 6th to 4th Kup 56 to 62kg
Sp-16 Sparring A-Junior 15-17 Years and Senior Male Black Belt 50 to 60kg
Sp-17 Sparring A-Junior 15-17 Years Male Black Belt over 65kg
Sp-18 Sparring Senior over 18 Years Male Black Belt over 85kg
ST-01 Special Technique D-Youth 6-8 Years Mixed Color Belts
ST-02 Special Technique C-Youth 9-11 Years Female
ST-03 Special Technique C-Youth 9-11 Years Male
ST-04 Special Technique B-Youth 12-14 Years Male
ST-05 Special Technique B-Youth 12-14 Years Female
ST-06 Special Technique A-Junior 15-17 and Senior over 18 Years Female
ST-07 Special Technique A-Junior 15-17 and Senior over 18 Years Male Color Belts
ST-08 Special Technique A-Junior 15-17 Male Black Belts
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