Entry fee
Calculation of entry fees:
- Individual categories: Entry fee of categories x Number of Entries in Categories
- Team categories: Entry fee of categories x Number of Teams in Categories
- Coaches: Entry fee x Number of Entries
- Referees: Entry fee x Number of Entries
- Officials: Entry fee x Number of Entries
- Entry fee for clubs

Discount on entries in individual categories:
- if more than this number of entries per competitor: 1, give a discount on original fee for additional entries of competitor in percentage: 100 %
Categories Age from Age to Sex GBP team size GUP DAN Other cut-off date Limit Team Limit
ASN-P001 PATTERN Open JUNIOR 4 12 40      
ASN-P002 PATTERN OPEN SENIOR 13 89 40      
ASN-S001 SPARRING Open JUNIOR 4 12 30      
ASN-S002 SPARRING Open SENIOR 13 89 40      
P001 PATTERN Male Up to 7yrs WHITE 4 7 m 40   9,10    
P002 PATTERN Male Up to 7yrs YELLOW 4 7 m 40   7,8    
P002-P003 MERGE PATTERN Male up to 7yrs YELLOW / GREEN 4 7 m 40      
P003 PATTERN MALE UP TO 7yrs GREEN 4 7 m 40   5,6    
P004 PATTERN Female Up to 7yrs WHITE 4 7 f 40   9,10    
P005 PATTERN Female Up to 7yrs YELLOW 4 7 f 40   7,8    
P006 PATTERN FEMALE UP TO 7YRS GREEN 4 7 f 40   5,6    
P007 PATTERN Male 8-10YRS WHITE 8 10 m 40   9,10    
P008 PATTERN Male 8-10YRS YELLOW 8 10 m 30   7,8    
P009 PATTERN Male 8-10YRS GREEN 8 10 m 40   5,6    
P010 PATTERN Male 8-10YRS BLUE 8 10 m 40   3,4    
P010-P011 MERGE PATTERN Male 8-10yrs BLUE / RED 8 10 m 40      
P011 PATTERN Male 8-10YRS RED 8 10 m 30   1,2    
P012 PATTERN Female 8-10YRS WHITE 8 10 f 40   9,10    
P013 PATTERN Female 8-10YRS YELLOW 8 10 f 40   7,8    
P014 PATTERN Female 8-10YRS GREEN 8 10 f 40   5,6    
P015 PATTERN Female 8-10YRS BLUE 8 10 f 40   3,4    
P016 PATTERN Female 8-10YRS RED 8 10 f 30   1,2    
P017 PATTERN Male 11-13YRS WHITE 11 13 m 40   9,10    
P018 PATTERN Male 11-13YRS YELLOW 11 13 m 30   7,8    
P019 PATTERN Male 11-13YRS GREEN 11 13 m 30   5,6    
P020 PATTERN Male 11-13YRS BLUE 11 13 m 30   3,4    
P021 PATTERN Male 11-13YRS RED 11 13 m 40   1,2    
P022 PATTERN Male 11-13YRS BLACK 11 13 m 45   1,2,3    
P023 PATTERN Female 11-13YRS WHITE 11 13 f 40   9,10    
P024 PATTERN Female 11-13YRS YELLOW 11 13 f 40   7,8    
P025 PATTERN Female 11-13YRS GREEN 11 13 f 40   5,6    
P026 PATTERN Female 11-13YRS BLUE 11 13 f 40   3,4    
P027 PATTERN Female 11-13YRS RED 11 13 f 40   1,2    
P028 PATTERN Female 11-13YRS BLACK 11 13 f 45   1,2,3    
P029 PATTERN Male 14-17YRS WHITE 14 17 m 40   9,10    
P029-P030 MERGE PATTERN Male 14-17yrs WHITE / YELLOW 14 17 m 40      
P030 PATTERN Male 14-17YRS YELLOW 14 17 m 40   7,8    
P031 PATTERN Male 14-17YRS GREEN 14 17 m 40   5,6    
P032 PATTERN Male 14-17YRS BLUE 14 17 m 40   3,4    
P033 PATTERN Male 14-17YRS RED 14 17 m 40   1,2    
P034 PATTERN Male 14-17YRS BLACK 1st 14 17 m 45   1    
P035 PATTERN Male 14-17YRS BLACK 2nd 14 17 m 45   2    
P036 PATTERN Male 14-17YRS BLACK 3rd 14 17 m 45   3    
P037 PATTERN Female 14-17YRS WHITE 14 17 f 40   9,10    
P037-P038 MERGE PATTERN Female 14-17yrs WHITE / YELLOW 14 17 f 40      
P038 PATTERN Female 14-17YRS YELLOW 14 17 f 40   7,8    
P039 PATTERN Female 14-17YRS GREEN 14 17 f 40   5,6    
P040 PATTERN Female 14-17YRS BLUE 14 17 f 40   3,4    
P041 PATTERN Female 14-17YRS RED 14 17 f 40   1,2    
P042 PATTERN Female 14-17YRS BLACK 1st 14 17 f 45   1    
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