Entry fee
Calculation of entry fees:
- Individual categories: Entry fee of categories x Number of Entries in Categories
- Team categories: Entry fee of categories x Number of Teams in Categories
- Coaches: Entry fee x Number of Entries
- Referees: Entry fee x Number of Entries
- Officials: Entry fee x Number of Entries
- Entry fee for clubs
Categories Age from Age to Sex EUR team size Other cut-off date Limit Team Limit
traditional taolu 0245 yongchunquan juniores advanced male 2003 2002 m 25      
traditional taolu 0246 yongchunquan juniores advanced female 2003 2002 f 25      
traditional taolu 0247 yongchunquan seniores beginners male 2000 1984 m 25      
traditional taolu 0248 yongchunquan seniores beginners female 2000 1984 f 25      
traditional taolu 0249 yongchunquan seniores advanced male 2000 1984 m 25      
traditional taolu 0250 yongchunquan seniores advanced female 2000 1984 f 25      
traditional taolu 0251 yongchunquan over beginners male 1983 1921 m 25      
traditional taolu 0252 yongchunquan over beginners female 1983 1921 f 25      
traditional taolu 0253 yongchunquan over advanced male 1983 1921 m 25      
traditional taolu 0254 yongchunquan over advanced female 1983 1921 f 25      
traditional taolu 0255 yongchunquan masters male 1983 1921 m 25      
traditional taolu 0256 yongchunquan masters female 1983 1921 f 25      
traditional taolu 0259 imitation styles children 7-9 years male 2012 2010 m 25      
traditional taolu 0260 imitation styles children 7-9 years female 2012 2010 f 25      
traditional taolu 0263 imitation styles children 10-12 years advanced male 2009 2007 m 25      
traditional taolu 0264 imitation styles children 10-12 years advanced female 2009 2007 f 25      
traditional taolu 0265 imitation styles cadets beginners male 2006 2004 m 25      
traditional taolu 0266 imitation styles cadets beginners female 2006 2004 f 25      
traditional taolu 0267 imitation styles cadets advanced male 2006 2004 m 25      
traditional taolu 0268 imitation styles cadets advanced female 2006 2004 f 25      
traditional taolu 0269 imitation styles juniores beginner male 2003 2002 m 25      
traditional taolu 0270 imitation styles juniores beginner female 2003 2002 f 25      
traditional taolu 0271 imitation styles juniores advanced male 2003 2002 m 25      
traditional taolu 0272 imitation styles juniores advanced female 2003 2002 f 25      
traditional taolu 0273 imitation styles seniores beginners male 2000 1984 m 25      
traditional taolu 0274 imitation styles seniores beginners female 2000 1984 f 25      
traditional taolu 0275 imitation styles seniores advanced male 2000 1984 m 25      
traditional taolu 0276 imitation styles seniores advanced female 2000 1984 f 25      
traditional taolu 0277 imitation styles over beginners male 1983 1921 m 25      
traditional taolu 0278 imitation styles over beginners female 1983 1921 f 25      
traditional taolu 0279 imitation styles over advanced male 1983 1921 m 25      
traditional taolu 0280 imitation styles over advanced female 1983 1921 f 25      
traditional taolu 0281 imitation styles masters male 1983 1921 m 25      
traditional taolu 0282 imitation styles masters female 1983 1921 f 25      
traditional taolu 0284 north styles children 5-6 years m+f 2014 2013 25      
traditional taolu 0285 north styles children 7-9 years male 2012 2010 m 0      
traditional taolu 0286 bis children 7-9 years female 2012 2010 f 25      
traditional taolu 0286 north styles children 7-9 years female 2012 2010 f 0      
traditional taolu 0287 north styles children 10-12 years beginners male 2009 2007 m 25      
traditional taolu 0288 north styles children 10-12 years beginners female 2009 2007 f 0      
traditional taolu 0289 north styles children 10-12 years advanced male 2009 2007 m 25      
traditional taolu 0290 north styles children 10-12 years advanced female 2009 2007 f 25      
traditional taolu 0291 north styles cadets beginners male 2006 2004 m 25      
traditional taolu 0292 north styles cadets beginners female 2006 2004 f 25      
traditional taolu 0293 north styles cadets advanced male 2006 2004 m 25      
traditional taolu 0294 north styles cadets advanced female 2006 2004 f 25      
traditional taolu 0295 north styles juniores beginner male 2003 2002 m 25      
traditional taolu 0296 north styles juniores beginner female 2003 2002 f 25      
traditional taolu 0297 north styles juniores advanced male 2003 2002 m 25      
traditional taolu 0298 north styles juniores advanced female 2003 2002 f 25      
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